Fresh Tracks Weekly

We have a quick recap of some weekend bighorn sheep scouting which is proving to be a fun but tough experience.

A few news headlines including the Nevada’s latest reports on the decline of mule deer and bighorn sheep.

Chronic wasting disease has now been confirmed in a road killed deer in Florida adding to the list of states dealing with the spread of this terminal disease, but a new research project sheds some hopeful light on the future as they’ve realized certain genetic traits cause deer to be more susceptible than others.

Montana Fish Wildlife and parks held their June commission meeting in which they announced hunting access being provided on over one million acres for the 2023 season. Some critics however have some reservations about what the public hunter has to give up in order to pay for this access.

For the deeper dive we discuss the changing cultures within several state’s fish and wildlife commissions, how some are starting to stray away from the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation and questing whether or not hunters are still needed in some scenarios.

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